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24 September 2021



Dear Students,

Please take the time to read this 关于皇冠365官方app应对COVID-19的关键里程碑的重要更新. 以下信息将帮助我们提高学生的安全.

我知道这场大流行对你们和你们的家人来说非常困难. I want you to know that you have been on our minds. The faculty, staff, 华润的管理层将坚定不移地为您提供一个安全的学习环境.

At their August 21st meeting, CR董事会一致通过了一项决议,授权弗拉默校长在2022年春季之前实施一项强制性COVID-19疫苗接种计划,该计划适用于所有CR学生Many local, state, and federal agencies have announced similar vaccine mandates, including major education institutions and systems across the nation, 比如加州大学和加州州立大学.

遏制病毒传播,保障工作人员长期健康, faculty, students and local community, 学生必须在2021年10月30日之前证明他们已经完全接种了疫苗 以便在2022年春季学期注册面对面或混合课程. 我们将从11月1日开始冻结未提供疫苗接种证明的学生的账户, 2021. 这些暂停将阻止注册2022年春季学期的面对面课程或混合课程. Registration in online courses will still be permitted. Students who provide proof of vaccination after November 1st 在疫苗接种证明被审查和批准后,他们的持有会被移除吗.

We strongly encourage you to get vaccinated voluntarily, 无论你计划在2022年春季参加面对面还是在线课程. According to public health officials and the CDC, 鉴于Delta型COVID-19变体带来的风险增加,疫苗接种是预防和减轻传播并限制COVID-19住院和死亡的最有效方法.

Please continue to observe safety protocols—wear facemasks, sanitize frequently, and make choices to reduce the spread of COVID-19.

Here is what students need to do in response to this new policy:

I am already vaccinated. What do I need to do?

  1. 如果您还没有这样做,请下载CR移动应用程序并上传您的疫苗接种证明. 你也可以去尤里卡校区,在SS/AD大楼一楼的公共安全窗口提供你的疫苗接种证明. Students in Del Norte, who are unable to access the CR mobile app, 能否向主走廊的现场健康检查人员出示疫苗接种卡,以提供疫苗接种证明.  Or, if you have already provided proof of your vaccination, 在CR移动应用程序中查看您的校园通行证,确认您的疫苗接种记录已被接受.
    • Students who provide proof of vaccination after November 1st 在疫苗接种证明已获审核及批准后,是否获准注册亲身上课.

I am not vaccinated, but plan to get vaccinated. What do I need to do?

  1. 请尽快到当地接种疫苗的诊所或药房接种疫苗. 你要确保在11月1日之前给自己足够的时间接种两剂疫苗(如果接种两剂疫苗)st.
  2. Download the CR mobile app and upload your proof of vaccination. 你也可以去尤里卡校区,在SS/AD大楼一楼的公共安全窗口提供疫苗接种证明. Students in Del Norte and Klamath-Trinity, who are unable to access the CR mobile app, 能否向主走廊的现场健康检查人员出示疫苗接种卡,以提供疫苗接种证明.
    • Students who provide proof of vaccination after November 1st 在疫苗接种证明已获审核及批准后,是否获准注册亲身上课.

I believe I should be exempted from the mandatory vaccination policy. What do I need to do?

  1. 由于个人原因,这项强制性疫苗接种政策可能会有例外, strongly held religious beliefs, or medical direction given by a doctor or physician.
  2. 如欲申请豁免,请填写以下豁免申请表格: Covid-19 Resources for Fall 2021 (l9e1.com)
    1. For those seeking an exemption based on a personal, strongly held religious belief, 建议你附上一封宗教领袖的信,证明接种疫苗会如何与这种信仰相冲突.
    2. For those seeking an exemption based on medical direction, 您需要提供文件,清楚地表明您的医生或医生指示您不要接种疫苗.
  3. Submit the completed form and any accompanying documentation to cr-covid-19@l9e1.com
  4. If additional information is needed, 学院将通过电话与您联系,进一步讨论您的请求.
  5. 关于您的豁免请求的决定将发送到您的CR学生电子邮件地址.
    1. 获得批准豁免或住宿的未接种疫苗的学生将被要求戴上口罩,并至少每周接受一次COVID-19检测,然后才能进入红木学院的任何校园, site, or facility.
    2. Students who provide proof of vaccination after November 1st 在疫苗接种证明已获审核及批准后,是否获准注册亲身上课.
  6. Students who are too young to receive the vaccination, and those who are currently COVID positive, should contact cr-covid-19@l9e1.com for additional information.

我不会申请豁免,而且我可能不会接种疫苗. What do I need to do?

  1. You will not be able to register in any in-person and hybrid classes. 您也将被排除在亲自访问服务和支持之外. Furthermore, you will not be able to physically access any District building, classroom, library, gymnasium, facility, or other indoor setting.
  2. 请确保您有适当的电脑或笔记本电脑和稳定的互联网连接,以支持您的在线学习和支持服务需求.
  3. 我们也强烈鼓励这一群体的学生参加关于疫苗安全性和有效性的校园论坛,并与他们的医生或医生进行讨论.
    1. A vaccine forum will be held via Zoom on September 28th at 11am, Vaccine Forum link

I am a high school student who is attending CR courses. What do I need to do?

  1. Any high school students, including Academy of the Redwoods students, 亲自参加CR课程的人士必须接种疫苗或获得批准豁免. 
  2. 在当地高中校园报名参加CR课程的高中生应该遵守当地高中关于接种疫苗的规定.


  • Thursday, October 7th
  • Thursday, November 4th
  • Thursday, December 2nd

Additional information about CR’s COVID-19 response can be found at: Student_covidquickfacts_081921.7.pdf (l9e1.com). Questions about this policy can be directed to cr-covid-19@l9e1.com.


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